personality test-INTJ

Do you think the personality test was accurate?

I think the personality test was accurate. I am a little bit of a perfectionist  now that I think of it. For example if I’m at Walmart and I see a box out of place I try to fix. It also said that I now what I’m good at and what I’m not. They say that I am bad at keeping relationships which is true I’m do usually get distracted. They also say that I’m not good at social rituals like small talk and flirting.

Did it really describe you? Explain.

It did describe all about me it said some things I have an act for.  I’m a perfectionist, I’m bad at keeping relationships, I’m not social, and etc. If you were to give the results to my friend he say that  is me .They talk about my act for not understanding certain social rituals like flirting. In real life I don’t think it is important to flirt. They have my personality down even if I don’t like to admit it.

What did you learn about yourself taking the test?

I learned according to the test that I can find myself in technical jobs. I really like computers and technology  which is great now that I have a better compassion to pursue that career type.