Time Capsule

If I had to put five items in a time capsule what would those items be. I think the first thing would be to put a comic book in there. Then later on it will have so much more value and I would be rich or who ever finds it later. Then I would put a five dollars in there too. When it is open it will be worth more money then it is right now. Then I would put in some newspaper with a note that says we don’t read this anymore. They will now know what date it is and the note is just so they don’t get confused. Then I would put s picture of me and a note saying who I am.

Dear Future president

You guys need the work on the homeless people and so they are not homeless and live in the homeless center. You  can give these people clothing and give them jobs. Get them jobs that won’t need that much skill like filling up cars.

Prince Ea

This man is trying to do something great like martin Luther he wants too change the world with words not violence. A lot of people think that it’s hard to make a difference and that they shouldn’t even try. Those people are wrong one person can change the world in a good way and they don’t need violence too win they can speak. There are many people that have a lot too say but they don’t want to say it, they that they will never be heard and they can’t to great things. Anyone can make a difference to change the world and make it a better place.

Song Titles that Describe Me

  1. let me play for five more minutes
  2. I’ll do my homework later… never finished
  3. I’ll watch one more video. Twenty videos later “done”
  4. My stomach is a black hole
  5. I thought it was Saturday
  6. I need to watch spiderman 500
  7. I don’t like talking
  8. I only eat cereal
  9. Ummmmm…I don’t know
  10. Do I have to go
  11. Why is there a toy story four!!!
  12.  I forgot your name

Music Star

If I were a music artist I would produce classic rock songs like those songs they had in the Back To The Future. When Marty sings at the end of the first movie he sings a classic rock song.

Photoshop Article

Who were some of the celebrities who dislike photoshop?  What are their reasons?

The celebrities that dislike photoshop are people like Brad Pit and Kate Winslet. They dislike because they think that photoshop is making there bodies unrealistically good and this could set bad standards for people.

How does the American Medical Association (AMA) feel?  Support your answer with evidence from the text.

The AMA thinks photoshop is making people have unrealistic bodies and that is bad for the people.

How do you feel about photoshop?  Give examples from your life to support your answer.

I think photoshop is a great tool and that it is really useful in other situations. When I’m on the website youtube I sometimes like to watch videos of people making cool things with the tool photoshop. If the where to ban photoshop many things would have to be restricted like. For example animation would have to have many mistakes without photoshop.

Thoughts about photoshop


Is it fair to be able to represent the female body this way?

To represent the female body like is up to choice. If this is what you feel should represent you then thats fine.

Which image do you think is prettier?

I think the picture in the right looks a little nicer then the one on the left.

Is photoshop cheating?

I don’t think that photoshop is cheating it’s just a tool that helps modify things